This is the Mitsubishi ductless air conditioner/heater remote control.
This is the Mitsubishi ductless air conditioner/heater remote control.
To turn it on, press the OFF/ON button. To turn it off, press the OFF/ON button.
To cool the air, press the TOO WARM (aka “down”) button. To warm the air, press the TOO COOL (aka “up”) button.

Warming only works in warming mode. To switch to warming mode, press MODE until you see the icon of the sun that looks like a snowflake.
Cooling only works in cooling mode. To switch to cooling mode, press MODE until you see the icon of the snowflake that looks like a sun.

To remove humidity, select the mode whose icon looks like a raindrop.
I don’t know what the ECONO COOL and SMART SET buttons do.

(I’d rag on the STOP and START buttons but at least they’re grouped with the TIME arrows and have clock icons. They set auto stop and start times.)
It reminds me of Star Trek: The Next Generation “Night Terrors” where the Enterprise is stuck in a rift with another alien and they need to collab on an explosion and the aliens keep hinting at oxygen and Data needs to figure out if they have oxygen or they need oxygen.

(Originally posted to Twitter on November 23, 2020. It received 3 likes and 1 retweets.)