Cleaning the Commodore 128D keyboard
There comes a time in everyone’s life where one must look fear right in the eye and disassemble your Commodore 128D keyboard for cleaning.

A good amount of orange crud and hair and gunk, but nothing some soap, a brush, alcohol and Kim wipes can’t handle. No retrobriting this time around, I think the color is fine.

Taking the opportunity to peek inside the 128D, actually in really good shape. No fan so no dust pulled in through vents. Maybe a bit of weirdness on the top of the drive, but the drive works so I’m reluctant to mess with it. Recap another day.

Keyboard back together, and I didn’t screw it up! Feels a bit better to type on. Return key a bit mooshy due to its weird stabilizer post but entirely usable. Hand-washed the case and display and it’s pretty! My favorite retro machine.

(Originally posted to Twitter on March 29, 2019. It received 51 likes and 9 retweets.)