I now have an HP-87
I now have an HP-87 thanks to @KevinSavetz ! Needs some cleaning but its basic (and BASIC) functions seem to work. Parts on order to try the serial port and a ROM expansion.

Emboldened by last weekend’s 128D cleaning and recognizing that this HP needs a bath before it can be used properly due to sticky keys, I took the plunge. Already found a few of these little pumpkin stickers, which I don’t think are stock.

Looks like six screws to get it open.

HP-87 exposed! That shock warning is no joke, by the way, this is a CRT with capacitors and the whole deal. Thankfully I don’t see a reason to delve further into the unit, for now.

Built-in ROM board on the side. Socketed!

- Intel P8049: HMOS 8-bit microcontroller
- 1MB5: bus translator
- 1MA8: I/O buffer
- 1MA7 59,58,82,56,71,72: system ROMs
- flip flops, bus transceivers, etc.
- pdf.datasheetcatalog.com/datasheets/115…
- brouhaha.com/~eric/hpcalc/c…
The good news is everything cleaned up very nicely. The less good news is the keys that were sticking were not doing so because of grime. In all cases I discovered a fracture at the corner of the white post that was adding friction. I WD-40’d the affected keys.🤞

All clean and looking gorgeous! Now to figure out how to use it.

(Originally posted to Twitter on March 31, 2019. It received 37 likes.)