Lab Notes
I now have an HP-87
I now have an HP-87 thanks to @KevinSavetz ! Needs some cleaning but its basic (and BASIC) functions seem to work. Parts on order to try the serial port and a ROM expansion.
Cleaning the Commodore 128D keyboard
There comes a time in everyone’s life where one must look fear right in the eye and disassemble your Commodore 128D keyboard for cleaning.
Square Off Chess Board
I’ve wanted a magic self-playing chessboard ever since I was a child, and now I have a @getsquareoff! $350, or two for $600. Mobile app required, my phone is off-screen right. Shown playing on easiest level to make me feel powerful.
Commodore 64 + Arturial KeyStep + MSSIAH MIDI cart
#commodore64 + @ArturiaOfficial KeyStep + MSSIAH MIDI cart = SID-based monosynth with KeyStep arp fun!
Puzzlecraft: How to Make Every Kind of Puzzle
ooH My copy of “puzzlecrAfT: How To mAKe every KiNd of puzzle” haS Arrived! Now to hiDE puzzles In all Of My tweetS… @mikeselinker @LoneSharkGames
MiSTer in an Amiga 600
I have successfully reproduced @mattsoft’s MiSTer in an Amiga 600 build! This unit can simulate dozens of old computers via FPGA recreation, all in a compact menu-driven unit with modern peripheral connections. C64, NES, Atari; it can even be an Amiga.…
Testing a recent cartridge haul
Finally getting around to testing a recent cartridge haul. Q*bert on Thanksgiving morning! Also my first run with this C64 SVideo cable, very pleased.
What’s inside a replica Altair
In case you were wondering what’s inside a replica Altair 8800… Nothing! :P
Amiga ROM Kernel Manuals
In my on-going effort to reacquire all the Commodore stuff from my childhood that I gave away to a guy with a station wagon 20 years ago, I once again have a set of printed Amiga ROM Kernel Manuals.
I still don't want a C64 Mini
I still don’t want a C64 Mini. I feel like I would have bought one by now. I 100% love the NES and SNES Minis, so I don’t oppose the idea. I think I’m just realizing that as fond as I am of the C64, I’m not that fond of many C64 games. I barely have a favorite.
Setting up my nice clean Amiga 1200
I’m finally setting up my nice clean Amiga 1200 as a daily driver, instead of merely taking it out of a box every once in a while. This is a new old stock PAL A1200 from that Canadian eBay seller a few years back. Power supply was DOA (probably repairable), otherwise great.