Retro Gaming Expo 2019
Just a few photos from @RetroGamingExpo, starting with this stunning 1942 mini cab by @sengbusch. Real CRT, original board (no emu!), 40% size. Extremely fluid play (because it’s real!) and solid mini controls.

Some exciting previews from @NewWaveToys. Kickstarter for Dragon’s Lair opens next week! Dunno if the “sit down” model Missle Command will ever be for sale but I love the idea, even if it’d be a bit hard to play. :) Street Fighter already for sale, great with extra controllers.

Didn’t get much of anything from the expo floor. Enjoyed seeing this WarGames game for the Vic, but didn’t buy it (not a Vic person).

I did snag this Wing Commander III. Unsure how to best play it but I’ll find something. Nostalgic for me, stars Mark Hamill, John Rhys-Davies, Malcolm McDowell. Would love to replay Privateer II someday too, starring Clive Owen.

Not PRGE related but inspired by a recent @lazygamereviews thrift store vid, I was inspired to hit a few thrift stores on the way down to Portland. Took pics instead of buying things to save on regret! :) This Seattle Sonics TV is 4:3 and has useful inputs for retro stuff.

Power stations, USB to parallel cable, many plastic VR mobile phone goggle cases.

And BAM! A real find! Radio Shack electronics trainer, complete with Forest Mimms books and all parts, $5. You bet I bought this one.

(Originally posted to Twitter on October 20, 2019. It received 4 likes and 1 retweets.)