Some Commodore disk drives
.@8BitShowAndTell ‘s new CBM disk drive video is well timed for me as I just got a few drives for a disk duplication project.

From the same source as the nice looking MSD SD-2 I got this 1541-II. I can’t tell if this was damaged in transit or was already busted in storage, nor do I yet know if the drive can be pushed back together. The front is definitely off the case though. :/

Here’s Robin’s vid:……
I am now covered in styrofoam pellets.
After some vacuuming, it looks like there is actual minor damage to the plastic tabs on the frontispiece, and some styrofoam made it inside. But it had a cardboard vibration protector so I’m hopeful this won’t take much effort.

Apollo and I are about to break this seal. Sorry but I need to be able to clean this drive.

Huxley inspecting the internals. Looks great actually, worth powering up. Also managed not to break the seal yet. :P

Final glamour shot for now, will test tomorrow. I already lost a screw on the 1541-II (my fault, it was totally there), a good reminder to never disassemble a) not in a prepared workspace, and b) while tired and rushing.

(Originally posted to Twitter on November 24, 2019. It received 18 likes and 2 retweets.)