The Complete Commodore Inner Space Anthology
I mentioned The Complete Commodore Inner Space Anthology by Karl J.H. Hildon (thanks again @BedfordLvlExp), and now I have a signed copy! Some things in this 122-page almanac of awesome:

Calendars for years 1984-1987 on the inside front cover
CBM BASIC reference charts for the VIC-20, C64, C16, and +4
Key references for six major word processors
Commands and keys for the +4 office suite, which I otherwise don’t know how to use
Five pages on COMAL, a micro programming language I’ve never heard of:
Machine language monitor commands
Assembler directives, op-codes, addressing modes
Hex and binary conversion charts
Maps for memory, kernal routines, BASIC entry points
Hardware register maps
VIC-20, C64, C16, and +4 variants of all of these, e.g. TED registers
Disk formats (header, sectors, files)
Disk command and diagnostic codes
Memory maps for three models of disk drive
Two pages of music notation and theory
A CompuServe dial-up directory, command reference, and category index
Seven pages of BBS phone numbers organized by area code, then again by title
US time zone + area code map on the same page as the BBS directory
Seven pages of computer clubs across the US with names and addresses
Pinouts for all chips and ports
Resistor color coding diagram; transistor leads
How-to test semiconductors with an ohmmeter
Unit conversion tables
Physics constants and formulae
Geometric areas and volumes
The Periodic Table of the Elements
Page for page possibly one of the most useful books on my desk.…
(Originally posted to Twitter on May 21, 2019. It received 20 likes and 4 retweets.)