Joining the community

Your fellow MEGA65 owners hang out together online. Come join us!

The official MEGA65 support forum is a traditional web forum for discussions and searchable post history. Note that the account system for the forum is separate from the Filehost, so you will need to register a new account to participate.

For real-time chat, the action is in the official MEGA65 Discord server. Join with your Discord account and app.

Once you are on the Discord server, you can register yourself as a proud MEGA65 owner. This changes your username color to blue, and may potentially have other benefits in the future, such as owner-specific rooms.

To register your ownership role on Discord, go to the #mega65 channel and say !register. (Yes, they want us to say this publicly in front of everybody. Be proud.) The @RegBot automated account (“BOT”) will see your request and send you a direct message asking for your registration code. Reply with your nine-character registration code from that piece of paper. RegBot will assign you the ownership role and change your username color.

Interacting with RegBot on Discord


Be careful to only reply to RegBot. Don’t post your registration code in a public channel, and don’t reply to anyone pretending to be RegBot. Look for the “BOT” icon next to RegBot’s name.